
70% alkoholgel antibakteriel håndsprit

På grund af Corona Virus-udbruddet er vores kunders sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet. Derfor er vi gået sammen med et top britisk hygiejnefirma for at hjælpe med distributionen af ​​70 % alkoholgelé.

Vi vil sælge dette til den lavest mulige kostpris for at lette leveringen til vores eksisterende kunder. Det er bydende nødvendigt, at denne pris ikke misbruges, og at der ikke foretages bulkkøb.

Moisturizing Anti-Bacterial Hand Gel er lavet med 70% alkohol, der dræber 99,99% af bakterierne.

  • Testet til EN1276 og EN1500
  • Lavet i GMP Facility
  • Fås i 50 ml tube og 5 liters flaske
  • Formuleret og lavet i Storbritannien
  • 70% alkoholindhold
  • Intet vand nødvendigt, hurtigttørrende.

Customer Reviews

Based on 371 reviews
F.K. (Nottingham, GB)
Love the colour! And stays all day

I've worn liquid lip stick from other brands and found it dries my lips out and makes them very painful! The Jolie Beauty lipstick dries fast and doesn't transfer. My lips after don't feel dry and painful.
Also this colour is lovely!
It is a little darker then how it looks in the photo I found. But still gorgeous


The coverage of this product is odd, it almost looks chalky/lines upon application even when you rub your lips together it doesn't make it even and if your lips are even a bit wet it doesn't stick which mean you get the outside of the lip applied and closer to the inside of the lip not even sticking. This colour in particular looked a little better than the lighter colours i bought but just because it blended better with the colour of my actual lips, so i think it blended out the lines.
Glad I got these on sale for a £1 or I'd have wasted more money.


The coverage of this product is odd, it almost looks chalky/lines upon application even when you rub your lips together it doesn't make it even and if your lips are even a bit wet it doesn't stick which mean you get the outside of the lip applied and closer to the inside of the lip not even sticking .. glad I got these on sale for a £1 or I'd have wasted more money.


If your lips are even a bit wet it doesn't stick which mean you get the outside of the lip applied and closer to the inside of the lip not even sticking .. glad I got these on sale for a £1 or I'd have wasted more money.


It is alot pinker than in the photograph advertised and if your lips are even a bit wet it doesn't stick which mean you get the outside of the lip applied and closer to the inside of the lip not even sticking .. glad I got these on sale for a £1 or I'd have wasted more money.

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