October 21, 2020 2 min read

Halloween makeup ideas you can do in a hurry!

We’ve all been there where you simply don’t have time to pull together the Halloween costume idea’s you had in mind for weeks before the party.  If you’re in a rush or stuck for ideas then here are some easy looks that anyone can put together last minute.

Girl, Cat, Kitten, Fashion, Catwoman, Model, Makeup

The Classic Cat!

The black cat makeup look is properly a go to for a lot of people because it’s fun and simple.  All you really need to purrfect this look is a black eyeliner, any will do, and get drawing! Line your eyes and put on a couple of layers of mascara, draw on some whiskers, an upside down triangle on your nose and put on your cat ears! If you don’t have any ears to hand you could tie your hair in two buns to create something similar. Wear all your leopard print accessories, embody Kat Slater, and you’re done!



Magical Mermaid!

This costume requires glitter (biodegradable of course!), fishnet tights and some colourful blue, green and purple eyeshadows – The new Sorceress palette would be perfect for this look! For this makeup, you don’t need to be too precise, which is great when you’re strapped for time! First place the fishnet tights over your head so that they’re covering your face, then put on the colours you want to use onto your cheeks and temples.  The fishnets will act as a barrier and block the eyeshadow, which creates a great scaley effect.  Now remove the tights and complete the look with some glitter – you could use the Crystal shade in the new Sorceress palette across your eyelids to add a magical sparkle and then use Equinox as a highlighter on the tops of your cheeks, brow bone and temples. This shade has a beautiful blue/green shift which gives off mermaid vibes!  You can make this look even more extra by adding some Face Jewels around your eyes and on your forehead!





Zombie – For all you gory fans!

This makeup is meant to be messy  - you’ve died after all. Grab your black, red and purple shadows and basically get to work darkening your eyes, contouring your cheeks, think more Shaun of the Dead and less Kim K. Then blend out the black around your eyes with the purples and reds to give the skin an even more decaying look.  If you have fake blood to hand, pat some over the top of a few areas of the face and then get to work on wiping it over your clothes – make your clothes as ripped and messy as you can, backcomb your hair and you’re ready!

Whatever you end up dressing up as, we hope you have an awesome Halloween and don’t forget to tag us in your photos ( @joliebeauty  or #joliebeauty ) as we’d love to see your makeup and costumes!

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